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Beware! This Italian Spyware Is Hacking Apple iPhones And Android Smartphones

ABP News Bureau reports: Google has identified spyware and hacking tools owned by an Italian vendor that was used to spy on Apple iPhones and Android...

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Re-Victimization from Police-Auctioned Cell Phones

Brian Krebs writes: Countless smartphones seized in arrests and searches by police forces across the United States are being auctioned online without first...

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Was Steve Jobs right about this?

Unesco report says smartphones should be banned from schools and digital tech should put humans first

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Google Reveals Samsung Phones Could Be Hacked Without Owners Knowing: Here’s How

Dane Enerio reports: Google has warned that some of its smartphones running the company’s own Android operating system, as well as other devices from...

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Security Affairs

France’s government is giving the police more surveillance power

The French government is going to grant law enforcement the power to spy on suspects through smartphones and other devices. French legislators are going to approve a justice reform bill that also gives more power to law enforcement, allowing them to spy on suspects through their smartphones and other electronic devices. According to the French […]

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CISA urges vendors to patch BrakTooth bugs after exploits release

Sergiu Gatlan reports: Researchers have released public exploit code and a proof of concept tool to test Bluetooth devices against System-on-a-Chip (SoC)...

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Inside a cyberattack method that targets your cellphone

Tim Starks reports: A recent spree of “smishing” attacks points to what some experts anticipate will be a wider threat in the future. The technique, which...

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Hacked Documents: How Iran Can Track and Control Protesters’ Phones

Sam Biddle and Murtaza Hussain report: As furious anti-government protests swept Iran, the authorities retaliated with both brute force and digital repression...

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