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Volkswagen and Audi Hit with Data Breach Class Action

Kathryn Rattigan of Robinson + Cole writes that a two-year data leak by a vendor has resulted in a lawsuit: This week, Volkswagen AG’s U.S. entity and its...

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Brazil’s government convicted for data leak exposed by The Brazilian Report

Amanda Audi reports: Federal government agencies were convicted for leaking data of beneficiaries of Auxilio Brasil, a flagship federal aid program now renamed...

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Volkswagen says a vendor’s security lapse exposed 3.3 million drivers’ details

Zack Whittaker reports: Volkswagen says more than 3.3 million customers had their information exposed after one of its vendors left a cache of customer data...

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Bleeping Computer

Pirate IPTV network in Austria dismantled and $1.74 million seized

The Austrian police have arrested 20 people across the country linked to an illegal IPTV network that, between 2016 and 2023, decrypted copyright-protected broadcasts and redistributed them to thousands of customers.

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Tesla and other carmakers must offer TV channels in Germany

The German broadcasting authority ZAK concluded that cars fall under the regulation of the country’s media law and must include broadcasters' offerings.